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Getting ready

Prior to the procedure, the Anesthesia provider will interview the patient about his general health and review information provided by the physician and the patient. Pertinent information will include the patient's current medical history, medications, allergies, and past medical, surgical and anesthetic history.


What to expect during the procedure

On the day of the procedure, an intravenous line (IV) will be placed in the patient through which medications can be given. The anesthesia care is provided by the Anesthesiologist, a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), or the anesthesia team consisting of both. Once in the operating suite, monitors will be placed on the patient to measure his vital signs which include blood pressure, heart rate and rhythm, oxygenation and respiration. Supplemental oxygen is usually given by nasal cannula. IV sedation is then given and the procedure begins. The CRNA will choose an appropriate dose of medication so that the patient remains comfortable throughout the procedure. To ensure the patient's comfort and safety, the CRNA continuously monitors the patient's vital signs and response throughout the procedure.


End of procedure and discharge

At the completion of the procedure, the patient should be easily arousable and is taken to the Recovery Room. He spends about 30 minutes or more there and continues to be monitored by the Recovery Room staff for residual anesthetic effects. The patient is discharged when his functioning level has returned to normal. Since the patient has been given sedatives, the patient is advised not to operate any machinery, go to work, make any major decision, sign any legal document, nor drink alcohol for the rest of that day. In addition, he should have someone to assist him in getting home and watch for any lasting sedative effects or unexpected problem. Clear follow-up instructions and appropriate contact phone numbers are also given at this time. 


Copy of the anesthesia consent that must be signed prior to the administration of the anesthetic.


Anesthesia Associates of Southwest Florida Anesthesia Consent


I consent to the administration of anesthetics by or under the direction and supervision of an anesthetist. I understand that the anesthetist is an independent contractor and not an employee of the facility.


I understand that, though it is unlikely, administration of anesthesia involves risks to me which range from minor discomfort to paralysis, cardiac arrest or death. These risks include headache, backache and injury to the vocal cords, teeth, eyes, nerves, blood vessels, brain, heart and breathing system.


I understand that no guarantee can be made regarding the results of anesthesia. I realize that circumstances may warrant the use of various anesthesia techniques, and therefore, I authorize my doctor and his/her designee, to use anesthesia procedures as my doctor or his/her designee deems necessary.


Following the procedure, the delivery of oxygen may cause a runny nose r sneezing for a day or two, but may last longer. I understand that this should not alarm me, that it is a normal reaction for some people due to the drying and irritation of the nasal membranes.


I have read this form and consent to the administration of anesthetics. I understand that risks associated with eating or drinking before an anesthetic include vomiting, pneumonia and death.




Image by Roman Kraft



1220 East Venice Ave.

Venice, FL 34285


Monday - Friday  8:00am - 4:00pm


Tel:  941-484-5000

Fax: 941-484-4414

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